Friday, August 21, 2009

I just exited the first showing. I'm having trouble typing this. My hands won't stop shaking from rapture. I won't provide a full review until later. All I will say is that IB combines my 3 favorite things (in order) 1. Cinema 2. Fire 3. Beautiful Women.


  1. My hands are shaking too. I just can't pull the trigger to end the pain. This movie sucked balls. Just like most Tarantino movies have in the past. I had high hopes but, every scene was shot way over the top with no real substance and with all of the star power in the movie I expected much better acting. The alien in District 9 had more personality than Brad Pitt showed in this shit-fest. Mike Myers was the only bright point. This "movie" should have lasted about an hour, but dragged on for an exhausting two and a half. Go see GI Joe instead. Better acting and directing without the high expectations.

  2. Obviously anonymous is a closet homosexual because he has his head so far up his ass, he likes to watch shit. G.I. Joe, give me a break. With your last two sentences I got the impression that you're not competent enough to operate a light switch.
